How is your marriage?
I feel like I have a wonderful marriage. Perfect? Goodness NO! Yet, it’s still wonderful.
Just this morning I read a great post at The Better Mom about feeling like the grass is greener on the other side of other marriages. and I wonder how often people compare their own marriages to others?
I’m ashamed to admit that I have. But not because I think that THEIR grass is greener, but I felt like OUR grass was greener...
Okay, I know that it’s not right to compare our marriage to others, and it’s especially not right to think that my marriage is better then everyone’s around me but in the last 3 years I have seen too many marriages around me end, or if they are together still they are hanging by a sliver and I don’t know how to help. We have lived in our house for 3 years now, and have seen 3 marriages end. That seems crazy to me! And the few just barely holding on scare me, I don’t want to see any more marriages end. Especially those close to us.
But here’s the thing. My husband and I aren’t in a great marriage by accident. It didn’t just happen over night, and it isn’t always easy. We work very hard at having what we have. We water our “grass”. Actually we water, fertilize, mow, and pull weeds. Even when stubborn me would rather not. Do we still have fights? Yes. The work on our marriage is far from over. Actually, it will NEVER end. Just like you have to do your laundry or wash your dishes everyday or the tasks become out of control, you have to work on your marriage everyday so it doesn’t become out of control.
Marriage is no easy task. And even when we care for our marriage it won’t always be great. Life happens, and when the tough stuff comes up you might have to re-evaluate your approach on HOW you care for your marriage. We are always growing. So are our marriages, so we need to assume that the way we care for our marriage needs to grow and adapt too. What works today might not work tomorrow. Continue to evaluate the needs of your spouse and marriage. And talk to your spouse about how they feel about how your marriage is. Make sure you’re both on the same page. Communication is huge!
Courtney from Women Living well has a “10 days to a Godly Marriage” series starting, along with other posts and vlogs on marriage. And Darlene over at Time Warp Wife has a “31 days of love” challenge, posts from both her and contributing bloggers. I have found wonderful, encouraging advice from both!
Take the time to nurture and care for your marriage. Take the time to soak in the importance of keeping that relationship strong. Think of the vows you have taken. Husband & Wife. It’s a beautiful relationship, don’t ever forget that.
I don’t want to be the only house with “green grass”. :)
Have any advice on keeping your marriage strong, share in the comments!
Smiles, Blessing, and HAPPY MARRIAGES :)